Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So much to do ... so little time!

Sounds familiar? Oh, yes! There are only 24hrs in a day and noone can change it. Most of us would like to do heaps every day but when you look at it you can only do so much. Say you do a To Do list and it has 20 items ... what are the chances that you get ALL 20 completed in a day? Slim.... very slim.. close to impossible...Why? Don't know what your life and work is but mine has been dominated by constantly being distructed to complete the stuff on my To Do List.. so after checking the email in the morning, attending meetings virtually back-to-back all day I start on my To Do List around 5pm... how much of it do you think I can complete? 20 items .. and if you allocate 15min per item on average, that's 300min = 5 hours....which means staying in the office till 10pm!

This is why I keep saying we all need to take a good hard look at what we are doing to make sure we really are investing our time wisely, spending it on value add activities and have a perspective on life ... there are so many people that are worse off than us even if that means failing to launch to project on the expected day.

So, keep everything in perspective. If your job involves saving lives, this is your priority! Your life and the life you are saving are your priorities! Not the timeline or budget but what's actually important in a given situation.

And, don't forget YOU are important and YOU need to take care of yourself!

Come on! Go out there! Enjoy life!

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